
Job Opening: Customer Services Executive
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month
Industry: E-Commerce
Location: Karachi
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2021
About Us: We are a growing E-Commerce Fashion Brand based in Karachi. We specialize in exporting high-quality Handmade Leather Jackets to customers around the world. Our business model has enabled us to serve customers from more than 40 countries. We believe every interaction with our customers is an opportunity to exhibit the highest ethical standards and to leave an overwhelmingly positive impression of our brand, country & Ummah. We take pride in our Pakistani heritage & our actions must reflect it. Keeping these values in mind we are in the process of building our core team that consists of individuals who are like-minded, diligent, and passionate about our vision. Want to know more about us? Click here: https://hawkbull.de/about
About Job Role: Within our core team, the Customer Services Executive (CSE) has a pivotal role in business operations. The CSE not only handles all customer communication but also coordinates with our external vendors & our internal team to ensure timely fulfillment of all orders. In short, the CSE is responsible for ensuring an end-to-end delightful customer experience. To develop a holistic understanding of our processes we rotate fresh hires in all business verticals before assigning them a role.
How to grow fast in our company: We are always on the lookout to find and nurture leadership potential in team members. A good combination of the skills & traits below will increase your chances to rise fast in our company.
Skills Required
- Excellent written communication in English: Should be able to answer customer queries & concerns tactfully & politely. 95% of our customer communication is written i.e. over email or messages with foreign customers.
- Tech literacy: should be proficient with emails, spreadsheets, and apps.
- Managerial Skills: the ability to delegate, follow-up & get things done
Recommended Traits
- Work Ethics: High integrity should be reflected in all aspects of life.
- Self-Starter: Should be self-motivated to learn new things, troubleshoot problems & come up with solutions independently. Most importantly should be able to “Google” stuff.
- Flexibility: Should be comfortable with switching roles whenever needed in a dynamic startup environment.
- Unflappable: Should be able to work well under pressure.
- Leadership: Besides being a top-notch individual performer, should exhibit the ability to train, mentor & lead others.
- High EI (Emotional Intelligence): Self-Awareness and ability to understand and manage your own emotions and empathize with others.
Message from the Founders: We firmly believe that Allah (SWT) has endowed every single individual with immense potential & we also believe that the job of a real leader is to enable and not inhibit others from actualizing their God-given potential. We, therefore, strive to create a culture that is mutually respectful, helpful, and conducive for all our team members to grow & develop not only as seasoned professionals but also as better human beings. All we need from you is strong resolve & passion to take the best shot at life & we promise we will give you wings. So are you ready to fly?

Job Opening: Customer Services Executive
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month
Industry: E-Commerce
Location: Karachi
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2021
About Us: We are a growing E-Commerce Fashion Brand based in Karachi. We specialize in exporting high-quality Handmade Leather Jackets to customers around the world. Our business model has enabled us to serve customers from more than 40 countries. We believe every interaction with our customers is an opportunity to exhibit the highest ethical standards and to leave an overwhelmingly positive impression of our brand, country & Ummah. We take pride in our Pakistani heritage & our actions must reflect it. Keeping these values in mind we are in the process of building our core team that consists of individuals who are like-minded, diligent, and passionate about our vision. Want to know more about us? Click here: https://hawkbull..de/about
About Job Role: Within our core team, the Customer Services Executive (CSE) has a pivotal role in business operations. The CSE not only handles all customer communication but also coordinates with our external vendors & our internal team to ensure timely fulfillment of all orders. In short, the CSE is responsible for ensuring an end-to-end delightful customer experience. To develop a holistic understanding of our processes we rotate fresh hires in all business verticals before assigning them a role.
How to grow fast in our company: We are always on the lookout to find and nurture leadership potential in team members. A good combination of the skills & traits below will increase your chances to rise fast in our company.
Skills Required
- Excellent written communication in English: Should be able to answer customer queries & concerns tactfully & politely. 95% of our customer communication is written i.e. over email or messages with foreign customers.
- Tech literacy: should be proficient with emails, spreadsheets, and apps.
- Managerial Skills: the ability to delegate, follow-up & get things done
Recommended Traits
- Work Ethics: High integrity should be reflected in all aspects of life.
- Self-Starter: Should be self-motivated to learn new things, troubleshoot problems & come up with solutions independently. Most importantly should be able to “Google” stuff.
- Flexibility: Should be comfortable with switching roles whenever needed in a dynamic startup environment.
- Unflappable: Should be able to work well under pressure.
- Leadership: Besides being a top-notch individual performer, should exhibit the ability to train, mentor & lead others.
- High EI (Emotional Intelligence): Self-Awareness and ability to understand and manage your own emotions and empathize with others.
Message from the Founders: We firmly believe that Allah (SWT) has endowed every single individual with immense potential & we also believe that the job of a real leader is to enable and not inhibit others from actualizing their God-given potential. We, therefore, strive to create a culture that is mutually respectful, helpful, and conducive for all our team members to grow & develop not only as seasoned professionals but also as better human beings. All we need from you is strong resolve & passion to take the best shot at life & we promise we will give you wings. So are you ready to fly?
Warum wir?
- Überdurchschnittliche Gehälter
- Schnelles Wachstum
- E-Commerce-Lernen
- Anspruchsvolles und freundliches Arbeitsumfeld
Unsere Werte
- (Selbst-)lernen, implementieren, optimieren und anderen beibringen -> schnellster Weg zum Wachstum
- Experten auf einem Gebiet sind besser als Alleskönner
- Negative Eigenschaften sind nicht notwendig, um reich zu werden
- Gute Mentoren sind der schnellste Weg, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen
- Folgen Sie nicht nur Benchmarks, sondern schaffen Sie neue
- Träumen Sie nicht nur, sondern handeln Sie
- Automatisieren Sie sich wiederholende Aufgaben, um etwas Großes zu leisten
- Gib, und du wirst haben
- Bescheidenheit und Integrität erhöhen Ihren sozialen Status
- Jeder braucht eine Jacke